For version 1.3 , We focus to design online store pages. Now, you can download fashion store design with 24 new PSD design for online store pages. You can found some alternative store designs such as: full width homepage, standart homepage with Bootstrap Grid System, 4 Columns Item Category Pages, 3 Columns Item Category Pages, 2 Columns Items Category Pages, List Pages Style with sidebar and without sidebar, shopping cart page, checkout page, order received page, etc. You can convert this page to WooCommerse, Magento, Prestashop, Opencart, Shopify, Virtuemart, Zen Cart, and other eCommerse Management System. Enjoy it!!
BOO version 1.2 approved now ( November 21, 2015), 21 new PSD files ddded for this new version. For this latest version, I provide some alternatif designs for blog page. There are blog page one column, blog page two columns, blog page three columns, blog page four columns, and blog page for all columns. You can pick the best blog page design without sidebar, left sidebar, or right sidebar. 82 PSD designs have been included in purchasing file. Enjoy it..!!
Dear All!!! After I released Coco PSD Template. Now, I am back again to show you BOO Amazing PSD template with many variaous designs that you can use for many purpose and type of your business. It’s unique and strong!! You will love it!
BOO PSD Template is perfect design for Business, Corporate, Digital Agency, Freelancer, Cloud Hosting Company, Web Agency, Web Designer, UIX Designer, Mobile App Designer, Web Developer, Programmer, Mobile App Developer, Mobile App, Corporation, Organization, Community, Company Profile, Personal Portfolio, Creative Blog , Education, University, Lawyer, and much much more… You can check all amazing screenshots here.
BOO has multipupose designs that easy to customize. We provide many styles, such as Dark, Light, Modern, Clean, Professional, Fresh, Simple, Full Colors, Classic, Elegant, Responsive etc. We use Bootstrap Grid System Latest Version, you can convert this item to Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, HTML Site Template, or Other Content Managemen System easily.
61 PSD files incuded in the latest version(ver. 1.1 – updated November 1, 2015). I provide some clean design for sub pages or inner pages. I have included About Us pages, Service Pages, Team pages, Portfolio pages, Portfolio Detail pages, etc. Hope you will love this BOO PSD Template. Designed for Everyone. Enjoy now!! Thank you
Chek Out All Amazing Homepage Designs.

Some Features Behind The BOO!

Template Features (Latest Version 1.1)
- 45 Stunning Perfect Pixel and with color Layered PSDs.
- Based on Boostrap Grid System Latest Version.
- 21 Unique, Amazing, and many varian Homepage Designs.
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
- Easy to find the files name, folder, layers, goups.
- SAVE your money, Purchase One Get Many PSDs.
- SAVE your energy, No Need to Design from Sketch.
- 24 Full Demo Pages Ready to Use.
- Easily customizable Photoshop files.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Awesome and Creative Design.
- Awesome & Modern Design.
- Great & Clear Blog Layout.
- Free Font Based Icons.
- Light & Dark Style.
- SAVE your time.
- Pixel Perfect.
- Fully Customizable.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Freebies Used.
- Some Elements Included.
- Great Support 24/7.
- And much more…
PSD Files Include
For version 1.2, I’ve included 82 psd files for this template:
- 01_01_01_BOO_Homepage CREATIVE Version_1.psd
- 01_01_02_BOO_Homepage CREATIVE Version_2_Dark.psd
- 01_02_01_BOO_Homepage CLEAN Version_1.psd
- 01_02_02_BOO_Homepage CLEAN Version_2_Dark.psd
- 01_03_01_BOO_Homepage AGENCY version_1.psd
- 01_03_02_BOO_Homepage AGENCY version_2.psd
- 01_04_01_BOO_Homepage CORPORATE Version_1.psd
- 01_05_01_BOO_Homepage ELEGANT .psd
- 01_06_01_BOO_Homepage STUDIO Version_1.psd
- 01_06_02_BOO_Homepage STUDIO Version_2_Dark.psd
- 01_07_01_BOO_Homepage CLASSIC .psd
- 01_08_01_BOO_Homepage FLAT Blue .psd
- 01_08_02_BOO_Homepage FLAT Red .psd
- 01_09_01_BOO_Homepage BUSINESS Yellow .psd
- 01_09_02_BOO_Homepage BUSINESS Red .psd
- 01_10_01_BOO_Homepage HOSTING Blue .psd
- 01_10_02_BOO_Homepage HOSTING Red .psd
- 01_10_03_BOO_Homepage CLOUD Version_3.psd
- 01_11_01_BOO_Homepage MOBILE APP .psd
- 01_12_01_BOO_Homepage LAWYER .psd
- 01_13_01_BOO_Homepage University .psd
02.01 BOO Creative
- 02_01_01_BOO_Creative_HOMEPAGE.psd
- 02_01_02_BOO_Creative_ABOUT.psd
- 02_01_03_BOO_Creative_SERVICES.psd
- 02_01_04_BOO_Creative_PORTFOLIO_01_Masonry.psd
- 02_01_04_BOO_Creative_PORTFOLIO_02_2Columns.psd
- 02_01_05_BOO_Creative_PORTFOLIO_Detail_Center.psd
- 02_01_06_BOO_Creative_BLOG.psd
- 02_01_07_BOO_Creative_BLOG_Detail.psd
- 02_01_08_BOO_Creative_CONTACT.psd
- 02_01_09_BOO_Creative_ERROR404.psd
02.02 BOO Clean
- 02_02_01_BOO Clean HOMEPAGE .psd
- 02_02_02_BOO Clean ABOUT .psd
- 02_02_03_BOO Clean SERVICES .psd
- 02_02_04_BOO Clean PORTFOLIO 01 One Column .psd
- 02_02_04_BOO Clean PORTFOLIO 02 Two Columns .psd
- 02_02_04_BOOClean PORTFOLIO 03 Three Columns .psd
- 02_02_04_BOO Clean PORTFOLIO 04 Four Columns .psd
- 02_02_05_BOO Clean PORTFOLIO Detail .psd
- 02_02_06_BOO Clean BLOG List 01 Boxed .psd
- 02_02_06_BOO Clean BLOG List 02 Fullwidth Gray Background .psd
- 02_02_06_BOO Clean BLOG List 03 Fullwidth White Background .psd
- 02_02_07_BOO Clean BLOG Detail .psd
- 02_02_08_BOO Clean CONTACT .psd
- 02_02_09_BOO Clean ERROR 404 .psd
03. PAGES(Updated ver. 1.1)
- 03_01_01_BOO_Page_ABOUT_ver1.psd
- 03_01_01_BOO_Page_ABOUT_ver2.psd
- 03_02_01_BOO_Page_SERVICE_ver1.psd
- 03_02_01_BOO_Page_SERVICE_ver2.psd
- 03_03_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_01_fullwidth_5Columns.psd
- 03_03_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_02_fullwidth_3Columns.psd
- 03_03_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_03_fullwidth_4Columns.psd
- 03_03_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_04_fullwidth_Masonry_ver1.psd
- 03_03_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_05_fullwidth_masonry_ver2.psd
- 03_03_02_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_01_1Column.psd
- 03_03_02_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_02_2Columns.psd
- 03_03_02_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_03_3Columns.psd
- 03_03_02_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_04_4Columns.psd
- 03_04_01_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_Detail_ver1.psd
- 03_04_02_BOO_Page_PORTFOLIO_Detail_ver2.psd
- 03_05_01_BOO_Page_Team_ver1.psd
04. BLOGS(Updated ver. 1.2)
- 04_01_01_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_1Column.PSD
- 04_01_02_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_2Columns.PSD
- 04_01_03_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_3Columns.PSD
- 04_01_04_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_4Columns.PSD
- 04_01_05_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_06_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_07_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_08_BOO Blog_List_01_No_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_09_BOO Blog List_01_No_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_10_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_1Column.PSD
- 04_01_11_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_2Columns.PSD
- 04_01_12_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_3Columns.PSD
- 04_01_13_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_2Columns.PSD
- 04_01_14_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_2Columns.PSD
- 04_01_15_BOO Blog List_02_Right_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
- 04_01_16_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_1Column.PSD
- 04_01_17_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_2Columns.PSD
- 04_01_18_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_3Columns.PSD
- 04_01_19_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_4Columns.PSD
- 04_01_20_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_5Columns.PSD
- 04_01_21_BOO Blog List_03_Left_Sidebar_MixColumns.PSD
05. ONLINE STORE(Updated ver. 1.3)
- 05_01_01_01_BOO Fashion Store HOMEPAGE_Ver_1.PSD
- 05_01_01_02_BOO Fashion Store HOMEPAGE_Ver_2.PSD
- 05_01_02_01_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 4 Columns.PSD
- 05_01_02_02_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 3 Columns.PSD
- 05_01_02_03_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 2 Columns.PSD
- 05_01_03_01_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 4 Columns Left Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_03_02_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 3 Columns Left Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_03_03_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 2 Columns Left Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_04_01_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 4 Columns Right Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_04_02_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 3 Columns Right Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_04_03_BOO Fashion Store Category Page 2 Columns Right Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_05_01_BOO Fashion Store Category Page List Style.PSD
- 05_01_05_02_BOO Fashion Store Category Page List Style Left Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_05_03_BOO Fashion Store Category Page List Style Right Sidebar .PSD
- 05_01_06_01_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_Bottom_Thumbnail_Left_Image .PSD
- 05_01_06_02_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_Bottom_Thumbnail_Right_Image .PSD
- 05_01_06_03_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_Left_Thumbnail.PSD
- 05_01_06_04_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_Right_Thumbnail.PSD
- 05_01_07_01_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_TAB_Content_Additional_Information.PSD
- 05_01_07_02_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_TAB_Content_Buyer_Guide.PSD
- 05_01_07_03_BOO Fashion Store Item_Detail_TAB_Content_Reviews.PSD
- 05_01_08_01_BOO Fashion Store Shopping Cart Detail.PSD
- 05_01_08_02_BOO Fashion Store Checkout .PSD
- 05_01_08_03_BOO Fashion Store Order Received .PSD
Version 1.1; November 25, 2015
- New Version 1.3 Released.- Adding One New Folder 05_ONLINE_STORES with 24 New PSD Files.- Total 106 PSD Files in Purchasing File.
Version 1.2; November 21, 2015
- New Version 1.2 Released.- Adding One New Folder 04_BLOGS with 21 New PSD Files.- Total 82 PSD Files in Purchasing File.
Version 1.1 ;October 31, 2015
- New Version 1.1 Released.- Adding One New Folder 03_PAGES with 16 New PSD Files.- Total 61 PSD Files in Purchasing File.
Version 1.0 ;October 27, 2015
- First Released Version 1.0.- 45 Stunning PSD Files Approved.
The PSD is grouped, layered, colored and organized well.
- Free Font Based Icons by Font-Awesome
- Premium Hosting Icons by DepositPhotos
!I Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files. Complete source files in Documentation.
Finally, thank you for visiting our item. If you love it, dont forget to give me 5 stars rate from your download’s page. if you need any question regarding this item, please feel free to contact us at