With purpose is increasing sales for fashion online store, we added some outstanding features such as ajax shopping cart, ajax wishlist, products carousel, latest posts carousel. Mega menu with many columns under each product categories takes customers to everywhere in your fashion store. Product Tabs Slider shows types of products in each tab such as top rated, best selling, new, featured…
Theme features:
- Responsive design
- multiple home page layouts
- 6 predefined preset for colors and fonts
- Multiple sidebars
- Unlimited color & background
- Mega menu and modern slider
- Mobile menu with smooth animation
- Contact form with Google Map
- Shortcodes plugin included
- Drag & drop home page layout
- Many content blocks for banner.
- Ajax add to cart
- Product image zoom
- Wishlist supported
- Product compare supported
- Product tabs & carousel
- Product image zoom & fancybox
- Category grid view & list view
- Upsells, bestselling, featured carousel
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap & Font Fontawesome
- Less compiler
- Theme options by Redux Framework
Sources & Credit:
- jQuery: http://jquery.com/
- FlexSlider: http://flexslider.woothemes.com/
- Slick: http://plugins.jquery.com/slick/
- jQuery Gmap: http://labs.mario.ec/jquery-gmap/
- FancyBox: http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/
- jQuery Parallax:http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/plugins/jquery-parallax/
- jQuery Shuffle: http://vestride.github.io/Shuffle/
- Font Awesome: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- lessphp: http://leafo.net/lessphp