HotMag – Wordpress News And Magazine Responsive Theme
Hotmag is a responsive and retina ready news and magazine wordpress template. It is intuitive and friendly for beginners but it also allows professional users to create some amazing stuff. Backend options allow you to easily adapt the template for your personal needs. Hotmag also uses Visual Composer as a page builder. You can easily modify existing content and create something unique.
If you’re looking for a perfect magazine responsive template for your magazine/news website, HotMag is your #1 choice.HotMag is a responsive magazine theme and responsive news theme.With HotMag you can create:
- Political news/magazine website/blog
- Enviromental news/magazine website/blog
- Sport news/magazine website/blog
- Personal news/magazine website/blog
- Business news/magazine website/blog
- Celebrity news/magazine website/blog
- Entertainment news/magazine website/blog
- And any other news/magazine website/blog you can think of
All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.Change log
Update: April 18th, 2016
+ Version 1.8- Updated Visual Composer plugin to version Updated: Revolution slider plugin to version 5.2.5- Added: YouTube social icon for site social networks
Update: April 13th, 2016
+ Version 1.7- Fixed: WordPress 4.5 compatibility- Fixed: Icon picker for categories in admin screen- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to version
Update: March 24th, 2016
+ Version 1.6- Added: New option for Category Grid Slider, now has a new setting "Number of posts in slider". Use it to limit maximum posts displayed in this shortcode.- Fixed: Minor css fixes- Fixed: Rare case - post view count script resetting post views on edit- Updated: Visual Composer plugin to version 4.11.1- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to version
Update: December 14th, 2015
+ Version 1.5- WordPress 4.4 compatibility fix- Visual Composer updated to version 4.9- Mailchimp for WordPress plugin support for new version from 3.0.0 and above- Demo install fix for WordPress 4.4- Translation files update
Update: 26.10.2015
+ Version 1.4- bug fix: blog shortcode (rare cases) fail loading new posts- Visual composer plugin updated to version
Update: 24.08.2015
+ Version 1.3- Updated Revolution Slider- Demo content instalation fix for Revolution slider version- Updated blog shortcode: New layout and load more button added. Posts order on mobile devices fix.
Update: v1.2 – 01.07.2015
- Fixed: custom post cover conflict with some plugins that use the_content filter
Update: v1.1 – 29.06.2015
- Fixed a rare bug when the template failed to install- Fixed widget registration for php versions lower than 5.3- Added option to switch weather to Celsius and to disable date on weather in header