MediaCenter - Responsive Magento Theme

MediaCenter - Responsive Magento Theme

Mediacenter – Multi-Purpose Responsive Magento Theme

Mediacenter is Multi-Purpose premium Magento theme based on Fluid based responsive theme which will enable to run store in any type of resolution without any issue. It is extremely customisable using advance admin options, easy to install and easy to use for any type of e-commerce store.

Life time free updates and happy to hear your suggestion via supports to make this theme better.

Compatible with Magento:,,,,,,,


General :

  • Code Standard : Fully Commented Code and follow 100% magento code standard so it’s easy to customize theme and install magento extension
  • Unmatched Support : Strong ticket system to track and solve your query or issue. 100% On time Resolution
  • Advance Admin Options : Tons of admin options. Settings and Options are categorised properly so easy to customise and maintain
  • Customizable Design : You can change visual appearance of the theme at almost every element

Theme Settings :

  • Header : Here you can change the settings of header like Sticky Header, Wishlist count link, Compare count link, top header background.
  • Menu : Here we have different type of common settings for topmenu like Menu in template width, Vertical menu, Accordian menu and much more.
  • Brand Slider : Here you can manage to display brand slider on homepage or not also set limit of brand to display.
  • Banner : Here you can set all the settings related banner slider like banner width, banner breakpoint, banner with cms blockand many more.
  • Product Slider : Here you can set all the settings related slider of product like speed, scrolling item, autoplay, rewindnav, lazyload and much more.
  • Product : Here you can set about each element of product to display or not also about to Ajaxcart, Alter image, Popup Message, Image aspect ratio
  • Category Page : Ability to change columncount of product per row, category sidebar and more
  • Product View Page : Here you can set width of each column on product page to customize product page like you want also about to display each element like brandlogo, sku, instock label, emailtofriend link etc….
  • Static Block Settings : Settings to display full width cms block when your page is set to 2 columns with sidebar also facility to display brand and bestseller block on left and right sidebar.
  • Extra Settings : Here we have some usefull features like RTL, Boxlayout, pagescroll Animation, Custom css, Backtotop button.

Theme Design :

  • Colors : Here you can change all the common color which used in theme.
  • Buttons : Here you can change all the colors related button.
  • Background Options : Here you can change all the design settings related background of main layout like color, pattern, images.
  • Theme Fonts Settings : Here you can change font related settings like color, fonts, border for page title, Section title, body.
  • Header : Here you can change all the color and other settings for each section available on header like background, dropdown, searchbox, compare/wishlist box, shopping cart, links and much more.
  • Menu : Ability to change colors of first level, second level, third level and fourth level menu also settings to change vertical menu , category label and much more.
  • Responsive Menu : here you can change all the color settings for mobile menu.
  • Banner : Options to change title, content and button colors
  • Tab Settings : Here you can change all the default color of tabs which available on homepage and product page.
  • Sidebar : Here you can change all the sidebar block content colors like background, title, fonts, link, border.
  • Product : Here you can change colors of each element of product which display on frontend like background, addtocart button, product name, product price, addtolinks, label, slider arrow.
  • Product LoadMore: Here you can change colors of loadmore button on homepage.
  • Category page : Here we have option to change all the toolbar element colors.
  • Footer : Here you can change all the color settings related of footer title, fonts, links, background.
  • Extra Settings : Options to change colors of Boxlayout, Social Links, Input Color, Tooltip, Backtotop button, Newsletter box.

Layout Options :

  • Layout Customization : Enable to set full width layout or boxed layout. Admin can Create Unique Layout with the help of layout options
  • Responsive Fluid Grid : Enable to set On / Off Fluid Grid. If fluid will be enabled, theme will automatically set layout contents to use maximum space. If disabled, width will changed on break points
  • Customizable Responsive Layout : Select maximum width of the layout or specify your custom width

MegaMenu :

  • Megamenu Settings : Ability to change whole structure of megamenu using just admin options like we setup in our demo.

Banner Slider :

  • Banner Slider : Optins to change all the settings related banner slider like transaction effect, speed , autoplay, rewindnav, lazyload, navigation, pagination, banner content

Multi Product :

  • Multi Product : Options to display any type of product anywhere in frontend with different type of format like full and mini.

Product Zoom :

  • Product Zoom : Ability to set different type of zoom features with lots of customizable options. You can see some demo of zoom functionality in our theme different demos.

Blog :

  • Blog : Integrated blog functionality with different customizable option which give you opportunity to communicate with your regular customers and casual visitors.

Import Default Theme Settings :

  • CMS Block : Ability to import all the theme default cms block.
  • CMS Pages : Ability to import all the theme default cms pages..
  • Banner : Ability to import all the theme default banner
  • Demo Settings : Ability to import all the theme demo settings and design related changes.

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