Edumix - Foundation Zurb Admin Dashboard

Edumix - Foundation Zurb Admin Dashboard

This is the first admin template built with a foundation framework. Foundation is the most advanced, responsive front-end framework in the world. The framework is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want to use it.

Foundation, amongst all of the responsive front-end frameworks out there, is the only framework professionally supported by an organization (ZURB), which also uses the framework every day for clients ranging from small startups to huge enterprises. Foundation has been tried and tested for years. It’s gone through five major iterations and many point releases to ensure it works everywhere, and we’ll keep improving it.

So you not familiar with foundation and more convenient to use bootstrap? don’t worry you will get the Bootstrap version.


  • PSD File Included
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Foudation 5
  • SASS
  • jQuery
  • Responsive
  • Easy to Use
  • Clean & Simple
  • Good Price
  • Email Page
  • Layout(NEW)
  • User Interface
    • Elemen
    • Button
    • Tab & Accordion
    • Typhography
    • Panels
    • Grids
    • Chartss
  • Icons
    • Entypo Icon
    • Dripicons
    • Fontello Icon Font
    • We Love Icon Font
    • Font Awesome Icons
  • Forms
    • Form Elemets
    • Advance Form
    • Text Editor
    • File Upload


    • Frontend
    • RTL Version
    • Add More Skin
    • Add More Page
  • Table
    • Table Static
    • Table Dynamic
  • Extra
    • Editable Invoice
    • Pricing Table
    • Timeline
    • Login Page
    • Map Page
    • 440 Error Page
    • 500 Error Page

    v1.3 – March 23, 2015

            - Fix minor css    - Fix menu mobile firefox issues    - Add Photoshop File    File changes:    ../css/theme.css    ../css/theme.scss    ../css/topbar.scss    ../js/slicknav/slicknav.css

    v1.2 – March 17, 2015

            - Fix minor css    - Fix Mobile menu breakpoint    - Add Fixed Sidebar menu    - Add All Fixed Menu    - Add Bootstrap Version    File changes:    ../css/theme.css    ../css/theme.scss    ../css/sidebar.scss    ../css/topbar.scss

    v1.1 – March 9, 2015

            - Fix minor css    - Add Sass Version    - Add 3 Skin Page    File changes:    ../css/style.css    ../css/login.css    ../css/theme.css

    v1.0 – March 4, 2015

            Initial release

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