Be Human - Charity Multipurpose WP Retina Theme

Be Human - Charity Multipurpose WP Retina Theme


Theme is updated to version 2.1.0 With few fixes in ‘WP Event Manager Pro’ integration in theme and many responsive layout improvements. Hopefully you will love this bug free product that we achieved with your feedback.

Be Human WordPress Retina theme is a web masterpiece which is designed for Charities. Theme is suitable for charities and nonprofit organizations & similar websites that need a feature rich yet beautiful presence online. It is compatible with all modern mobile devices. A very wall designed theme with a blog, gallery, events management, WooCommerce Store, Crowdfunding using Ignitiondeck. The main features, which are extremely important and super useful are, Events Calendar & Management, Multilingual support, 3D Layer Slider and Facebook fan page compatibility.


Free WordPress Theme Installation

Main Features:

  • Facebook Fan Page Compatibility
  • Crowdfunding
  • WooCommerce Store
  • WP Event Manager Pro Support
  • Retina Ready
  • Unlimited Colors
  • 3D Layer Slider
  • Awesome Sliders
  • Multilingual Support using WPML
  • Multiple Blog Styles
  • Multiple Gallery Layouts
  • TypeKit Fonts
  • Adobe Edge Fonts
  • Google Fonts
  • Shortcode System
  • 22+ Background Patterns
  • Background Uploader
  • Page Builder
  • Slider Manager
  • Social Share for Posts
  • Layered PSD Included.
  • HTML 5 & CSS 3
  • Responsive Design
  • Thumbnail Options (Static Image, Slider, Video)

Change Log

= V 2.4.0 - 09.14.2015 =Made Compatible with WordPress 4.3Made Compatible with WooCommerce 2.4+Out Dated Files Issue ResolvedLatest LayerSlider Added
= V 2.3.0 - 04.27.2015 =Security Update for XSS Vulnerability
= V 2.2.0 - 05.03.2014 =-> Section # 1 : Woo-Commerce update-> Section # 2 : Event Manager Update-> Section # 3 : (40+) Latest Shortcodes-> Section # 4 : Styling Issues Resolved-> Section # 5 : Responsive ImprovedDetailed Log Of Sections:------------------------------------------------------Section # 1 : Woo-Commerce Bug Fixes-------------------> Conflict with theme files is resolved now.> woo-commerce Shop page added.> Ajax console error with cart is removed.> One click cart update.> woo-commerce Store page is updated.> Products Functionality improved.> Enhanced Styling of all woo-commerce pages.> Add to cart and view cart button fixed.> Add and Remove of items in cart page.> Calculate Shipping icon fix.> Client order form is styled.> Product Description tabs fixed.> Full View of shop is improved.--------------Section # 2 : Event Manager Update-------------------> Upcoming and past event bug is fixed.> Enhanced Styling of Calendar View.> Color strip added for Events on calendar.> Event title on color strip.> Event Venue page is styled.> Event Timimg bug is fixed.--------------Section # 3 : (40+) Latest Shortcodes-------------------> More than 40 shortcodes added.> Enhanced GUI (Graphical User Interface).> More options & attributes in Shortcodes.> Full Style Control over shortcodes.> Layout, color, size options added.> Core functionality improved.--------------Section # 4 : Styling Issues Resolved-------------------> Counter Style issue is resolved.> Product Layout improved and margins added.> Return to shop button color is changed.> Footer Overlaping issue is eradicated.> Counter Text visiblity improved.> Submenu issues are fixed.--------------Section # 5 : Responsive Improved-------------------> Mobile Resolution:    -> Slider is fully responsive.    -> Featured images are fully responsive.    -> Contact form fields.    -> Menu issue fixed.    -> Footer overlapping removed.> Tablet Resolution:    -> Gallery widget bug fixed.    -> Featured images are fully responsive.
 = V 2.1.0 - 20.02.2014 =Event Manager date issue fixedDate and time fixed on Event detail.Event Detail Sidebar and social sharing icons fixedDummy Data Importer UpdateStyle Updated
= V 2.0 - 24.01.2014 =Event Manager Pro IntegrationDummy Data Importer UpdatedImproved WPML CompatibilityResponsive Update    1. Menu Update    2. Blog Slider Update    3. New Slider Update    4. Charity Events Video Slider & Accordion UpdateColor Scheme Update    1. Added Event Manager button & font color style.Deprecated Functionality    1. CP Event Manager Removed    2. Schedule Syncronizer Removed    3. Old School Style Removed
= V 1.7.0 - 01.02.2014 =1. Date Format Fix Date format can be changed now from WordPress settings section.2. On Page and Post Image width issue is resolved.3. Event Manager upcoming and past event listing fixed.4. LayerSlider Update5. Fully Compatible with Wordpress 3.8 and Previous Versions
= V 1.6.0 - 11.11.2013 =1. Social Icon Update (Validation issue resolved)2. Home Page Event Video Element (issue resolved).3. All Post type Taxonomy updated (Inclusion ID Instead of Slug)4. All Elements Width Manager Properly from Page Builder5. Minor styling bug fixes.6. Responsive bug fixes in WooCommerce7. Ignition Deck Plugin Single and listing page Funding calculator issue resolved.8. Updated LayerSlider Included. 
= V 1.5.0 - 10.28.2013 =1. Responsive Layout Issues are Fixed2. Crowd Funding Functionality Improved3. WooCommerce Functionality Improved added few new styling to Woo Commerce default elements.4. Slider responsive FixedNew Functionality Added theme loaded with newly features5. Color Scheming ImprovedBackground Header, Background Footer, Buttons Button Hover and Heading Text Color.6. Box Layout added Also with responsive functionality7. Team Element/Section Improved with better stylingThis is a major update so theme major files are updated in order to get full features to work please replace all files, if you have change in some files please backup your files first then replace this update.
= V 1.4.0 - 09.02.2013 =Lay Slider, Styling, Responsive bugs fixed.Dummy data updated import is also included.Frontend Fileswp-content/be-human/page.phpwp-content/be-human/single-events.phpwp-content/be-human/single-career.phpwp-content/be-human/archive.phpwp-content/be-human/header.phpwp-content/be-human/footer.phpwp-content/be-human/taxonomy-event-category.phpwp-content/be-human/functions.phpwp-content/be-human/404.phpwp-content/be-human/single-ignition_product.phpwp-content/be-human/style.csswp-content/be-human/rtl.csswp-content/be-human/frontend/css/cp_default.csswp-content/be-human/frontend/css/style810.csswp-content/be-human/frontend/css/bootstrap.csswp-content/be-human/frontend/js/layerslider (complete folder of layerslider)wp-content/be-human/frontend/images/bx_loader.gifBackend Fileswp-content/be-human/framework/cp-option.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/script-handler.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/extensions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/extensions/sliders.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/extensions/loadstyle.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes.phpwp-content/be-human/framework/javascripts/page-dragging.jsDummy Data Import Update Also IncludedFramework/extenstions/importer (replace complete folder)
 = V 1.3.0 - 08.17.2013 =Change LogColor Scheme issues ResolvedLayerSlider jquery Version UpdateTop Cart On/Off ButtonFile Logstyle.cssfooter.phpbe-human/framework/cp-option.phpbe-human/framework/extensions/loadstyle.phpbe-human/frontend/layerslider (Complete Folder Replaced)
 = V 1.2.0 - 08.14.2013 =Change LogRTL Issue ResolvedFacebook Fan Page Issue ResolvedResponsive Issue Resolved404 Page ImprovementsEasing Effect to menu DropdownShop Cart Button ImprovementsFile Update Logheader.phppage.phptaxonomy-event-category.phpfunctions.php404.phpsingle-events.phpframework/script-handler.phpframework/options/page-elements.phpframework/options/page-option.phpframework/options/events-option.phpframework/javascript/page-dragging.jsfrontend/js/frontend_scripts.jsfrontend/js/add-to-cart.jsstyle.cssrtl.cssfrontend/css/style810.cssfrontend/css/bootstrap.css
 = V 1.1.0 - 08.12.2013 =    Change LogFont UpdateShopping Cart Button MainBreadcrumbs issue resolvedbackground changing issue resolved.Files Updatedframework/cp-option.phpframework/cp-functions.phpframework/script-handler.phpframework/extensions/sliders.phpframework/extensions/loadstyle.phpframework/extensions/super-object.phpframework/extensions/breadcrumbs.phpframework/options/product-option.phpheader.phpfrontend/js/frontend_scripts.jsfrontend/js/add-to-cart.jsframework/javascript/page-dragging.jsAdded New Filesfrontend/js/jquery.fitvids.jsstyle.cssfrontend/css/bootstrap.cssfrontend/css/facebook.cssfrontend/css/shortcode.cssframework/stylesheet/cp-panel.css
= V 1.0 - 08.06.2013 =* Initial Release 

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