OREO is an interactive full screen portfolio which suitable for artists, photo studios, creative or digital agency, restaurants, freelancer and for everyone wants to showcase their portfolio in an interactive and professional way.
Check out the layout structure of http://fmedias.com/oreo/index2.html file in ipad/iphone
( http://ipadpeek.com/ ) deviceIt’s very easy to edit the page content.
Can be use one page or seperate pages versions or combine both the files as per you need.
Using the lazylaod option, The images are load only when the perticular page will display, so it increase the page load time.
Both one page and seperate pages versions with two colors are available in download file on seperate folder.
It’s very easy to change the template color by just editing a single color.css file.
It looks great in Desktop, Tablet and Mobile device.
All PSD file and Complete Help document is included
- Responsive design
- Retina Redy, pixel perfect view in retina device like ipad and iphone
- Availiable 23 valide HTML5 file
- Fast loading and Smooth Page transition
- One page and Separate pages Template are availiable in separate folder
- Combine bark and light color on single html file.
- Ther are Four separate version is availiabe in download file thery are
Black color one page version
Black color separate pages version
White color one page version.
White color separate pages version. - Masonry gallery with project details.
- Isotope filterable Portfolio and Flexible to show the project details.
- Fullscreen banner.
- Six portfolio pages.
- Product page.
- Nice Music player
- Lazyload to any images. It used to load the image only when the that page is display
- Set High and low resolution image for Desktop and Mobile device. so that Mobile devices will load low resolution version of images to gain performance as well as saves download time.
- Full Screen image gallery with Image caption. Option to set High and low resolution image for full screen gallery
- Three variation of Blog post. Open the separate page for single blog post
- Flexslider
- support video and youtube. Option to set video cover image
- Option to Add video background to any page, Background video sound can be enable or disable. If background video sound enable, the music player will automatically pause. Instead of video background the image will be display for touch/mobile device
- Ajax contact form
- Fancybox plug-in
- Easy to change the color
- PSD files included

Code Update
28 Jan 2014Chrome browser (Version 32.0.1700.76 m) have update on TouchEvent. please replace the below code in custom.min.js file
/* Find touch device */ try { isTouch = true; document.createEvent('TouchEvent'); } catch (e) { isTouch = false; }
/* Find touch device */ if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { isTouch = true; }
30 April 2013 – Added Video background and Page scroll to top buttonFONT
In this template Google font PT Sans Caption is used
Sources and Credits
skeleton – www.getskeleton.com
History – http://tkyk.github.com/jquery-history-plugin/
nicescroll – http://areaaperta.com/nicescroll
jScrollPane – http://jscrollpane.kelvinluck.com/
Mouse wheel – http://brandonaaron.net/code/mousewheel/docs
Vegas – http://vegas.jaysalvat.com/
Masonry - http://masonry.desandro.com
jplayer - http://www.jplayer.org
FancyBox - http://fancybox.net
isotope – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
FlexSlider – http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
Pattern images(subtlepatterns) – http://subtlepatterns.com//
tipsy (tool tip) - http://tooltipsy.com/
The images in this template are used only for preview not in download file:
Music is taken fron the audiojungle,
You can download here metrolightmusic
Check out my other files: