Works with the latest OpenCart version! Fully Tested & Compatible!
ADMIN DEMO – Theme Settings Preview
DEMO Administration Board
Username: demo
Password: demo
Enabled views: Extensions -> Module -> Commercials & Extensions ->Module ->Theme Settings
EveraShop is a modern Premium OpenCart theme that fits to any type of bussines (Clothes, Watches, Shoes, Furniture,...). It’s main feature is a clean and attractive design which sells everywhere. EveraShop is a responsive theme that allows your store to sell even on mobile devices like iPad,iPhone, Android mobile, & others!
It’s built with fast set-up back-end administration module in mind that will allow you to set up your theme in less than 5 minutes!
It’s extensive use of the powerfull jQuery javascript framework it delivers the ultimate web store experience that every customer likes. Built from the ground up with precision and utilizing powerfull theme color changer, you will be able to create the web store you want!
EveraShop Main Features:
- Install in less than 5 minutes
- Based on the 960px grid system
- SEO optimized
- Clean HTML
- Cross browser compatible
- Easy customizable
- Improved and styled Brands section
- Full backend administration module
- Up to 15 changeable fonts colors, CSS3 shadows and links
- 8 built in background patterns
- Built buttons in 6 different colors
- Multilanguage Text modules (featured items, about us, contact us)
- Primary and Secondary Google Fonts (over 500 fonts included from Google Fonts Api)
- 5 changeable font sizes (H1, H2, H3, ...)
- 13 preinstalled credit card icons that can be separately enabled/disabled
- Twitter API
- 6 main follow icons with links (Facebook, Twitter, Dribble, Flickr, Forrst, Skype)
- Commercials module allowing you to place banners on your store front-page
- Enable/Disable Scroll To Top button
- Define categories default number of products
- Enable/Disable Theme Settings from backend admin panel
- Responsive Design for 320px & 480px (iPhone, iPad)
- TouchSwipe banner scrolling for touch devices
- Scroll To Top button
- SEO URLs support
- jQuery infinitive product scroller in categories (no page number buttons required)
- Built-in admin panel for visual changes
- Custom category menu (select) allowing a better view of the products
- Custom & changed icons
- jQuery animated custom banners
- Animated Latest Twitts API
- Custom jQuery footer menu for (Information, Customer service, Extras, My Account)
- Added Tipsy support for icons alternated text
- Google Fonts Compatible (more than 500 fonts – automaticly added every week through our special api)
- Added no-image photo for products without images
- & More
Files Included:
- PSD Files
- Extensive Install Documentation & FAQ
- 3 Commercial Banners Photos
- 6 Basic Google Fonts to work with