Fortis - Responsive Magento Theme

Fortis - Responsive Magento Theme

Fortis 2 is fully responsive Magento theme with dozens of features and hundreds of customization possibilities, suitable for every type of products. It was designed with focus on user experience and usability, to make shopping quick, easy and fun.

Compatible with Magento:,,,,,,,,,,,

Customizable design

Customizable design

Click to see more color settings in theme admin panel

You have never seen so many options – powerful admin panel allows you to customize the theme without even touching CSS.

You can change the visual appearance of almost every element of the theme. You can change colors using color pickers, apply patterns/textures (predefined or custom) for header, footer and for the entire page, upload background images and configure their properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font style and font size, and many many more…

Customizable design

Fortis 2 features


  • Customizable design - change the visual appearance of almost every element
  • Unlimited colors – change colors of dozens of elements, apply textures, upload custom background images
  • Google Fonts – integration with all available Google Fonts
  • Custom font stack – ability to select standard web-safe fonts (e.g. Arial, Verdana) or define custom font stack (e.g.: Arial, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, sans-serif)


  • Customizable responsive layout – custom maximum width of the page, supports wide screens
  • Fluid grid system (12-column) – the theme always uses maximum available width of the screen to display content. It can be displayed on any screen. Fluid width can be disabled


  • 2 menu styles - wide mega menu or classic drop-down menu
  • Custom content blocks – add any content (images, text, HTML) inside category drop-down menu, for every 1st-level and 2nd-level category
  • Custom links – display custom links in the main menu bar
  • Customizable size – adjust number of columns inside drop-down menu
  • Accordion (mobile menu) – on mobile devices the menu turns into collapsible accordion. Set the value of the web browser wievport width below which the menu turns into accordion
  • Category labels – eye-catching labels for categories (customizable colors ant text)
  • Sidebar menu – display menu (categories) in the sidebars and in any custom block
  • Fully customizable colors


  • Fluid products grid - display from 2 to 7 columns of products on category pages. On wide screens the number of columns will be automatically increased to show more products in a row
  • Customizable grid – configure the display of the following elements (they can be visible, visible only on mouse hover, or completely removed): “Add to cart” button, ratings (stars), “Add to wishlist” and “Add to compare” links
  • Alternative images – show alternative product image on mouse hover in category view and in product sliders
  • Equal height of items in the category grid (can be enabled/disabled)
  • Keep the aspect ratio of product images (upload images of any dimensions, not necessarily square)
  • List of categories – menu at the top of the left sidebar. It can be hidden on mobile devices. List of categories can also be displayed in CMS blocks and on CMS pages


Clean and readable product page – your customers can easily find all important information. Prominent brand logo, customizable product options, sliders for related and up-sell products, custom tabs and CMS blocks, social bookmarks, resizable image zoom etc. Adjust product page to your needs.

  • Brand logo on product page. Logo can be a link to any page (to category with products from that brand, to search results or to any CMS page). Alternatively brand names (simple text) can be displayed instead of logo images
  • Customizable image size on product page. Specify any size you like, images don’t have to be square – you can keep the aspect ratio
  • Cloud Zoom + Lightbox to enlarge product images. Use one of those methods or both at a time
  • Image gallery – enable/disable gallery mode in the Lightbox (previous/next image)
  • Tabs/accordion - tabs smoothly turns into accordion on lower screen resolutions
  • “Additional Information” tab for individual product attributes - create and display custom product attributes
  • 2 tabs for custom content – ready to display any static content: info about shipping, returns, sales, promotions or any other general information
  • Tabbed reviews - show product reviews on product page to improve SEO
  • Replace Related Products and Up-sell Products blocks with custom content. Replace completely or replace only if the product does not have any related/up-sell products. Or disable those blocks completely with just one click
  • Product sliders for Up-sell Products and Related Products. Now you can select as much related and up-sell products as you want


  • Home page slideshow - fully customizable, easy to use. “Slide” or “fade” effect, 30 easing methods, editable speed of movement and speed of transition and much more. Display any content in your slides (clickable or non-clickable images, complex HTML, anything), add captions above images
  • Slideshow + banners – additional banners (can be disabled) at the right or left side of the slideshow.
  • Hide slideshow on mobiles – ability to hide slideshow or slideshow banners on mobile devices
  • 1, 2, 3 columns layout – you can choose the layout of the home page: 1, 2 or 3 columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks on home page.
  • List of categories – display block with the list of all categories in one of the sidebars
  • Brand slider - present all brands on the home page (or on any other CMS page or sidebar block)
  • “Featured Products” slider - display selected products on any page. Configure the number of products, number of columns (visible products), scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling, number of products that should move on animation. Ability to hide “Add to cart” buttons
  • “New Products” slider – automatically display products marked as “new”. Configure the number of products, scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling
  • Sliders on any page – fully customized sliders can be displayed on any CMS page and inside custom blocks
  • Multiple sliders – display multiple “Featured Products” sliders on a single page
  • Random products - display random products in the “Featured Products” sliders
  • Responsive image banners – display columns of custom banners using fluid grid system


  • One-click import - import CMS blocks and pages with sample content from the demo
  • 50+ CMS blocks - content placeholders (also called custom blocks) ready to display custom content in almost every part of the store. Using these placeholders you are able to insert your content into product page, shopping cart, checkout, header, footer, CMS pages etc. Everything edited from the admin panel
  • Large footer block with 2 rows of columns (from 1 to 6 columns in a row) for custom content. Put there your links, latest news or any other content
  • Social services bookmarks can be easily placed on the product page using one of the CMS blocks


  • “New” and “Sale” labels - mark your products with eye-catching labels. Text on the labels can be translated
  • Override default Magento header and footer links - those links are hard-coded in Magento but with this theme you can easily replace them with your custom links!

General Info

  • 200-pages user guide PDF - the best Magento theme documentation
    on ThemeForest
  • Multi-language ready – this theme can work with any language installed in your Magento
  • Multi-store ready – applicable for multi-store Magento installations.
    Please note that in multi-domain installations multiple licenses are required (one license per domain):
  • Performance – images are merged into CSS sprites. This method is proven to greatly reduce the amount of HTTP request and significantly improve page load time
  • Optimized, well-structured and commented CSS
  • PSD files included (with basic layout structure + all interface icons for easy customization)


After purchase, all updates are free of charge.
We guarantee that we will continue to update and improve this theme.

Last updates

(re-download Fortis to see full log in Changelog.txt)

Version 2.6.1 (November 9, 2015)

  • compatibility with the latest Magento and patch SUPEE-6788

Version 2.6.0 (March 24, 2015)

  • compatibility with Magento If you are not using Magento, you can ignore this update.
  • support for configurable product swatches (a module which was added in Magento
  • specify product image width for category view through theme admin panel (System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Category View)
  • control order and sorting direction of products in Featured Products slider
  • on product page, product image gallery was switched to the first image when web browser’s window was resized. This doesn’t happen any more and gallery always shows current image.
  • the last element of the breadcrumbs has incorrect tags for rich snippets
  • when switching options on product page the price of the product is not updated correctly if the same product is also displayed inside the Featured Products slider on the same page (e.g. if slider is inside the menu drop-down)

Version 2.5.3 (October 23, 2014)

  • rich snippets for breadcrumbs
  • rich snippets for product pages

Version 2.5.2 (October 01, 2014)

  • in new version of Safari on iOS8, product grid in category view was sometimes displayed incorrectly (each row should have the same number of products, but sometimes products dropped to another row). It was caused by this bug in Safari.

Version 2.5.1 (July 21, 2014)

  • JavaScript error if option: System > Configuration > Menu > General > “Main Menu Mode” was set to “Drop-down” (so when the mobile version of the menu was not enabled)
  • error after opening System > Permissions > Roles

Version 2.5.0 (July 16, 2014)

In this version there were big improvements in the main menu. Structure of the menu was significantly simplified and the CSS styles are now much more consistent and cleaner.

  • full compatibility with Magento
  • ability to import color presets and other settings from demo
  • menu bar:
    • ability to add multiple custom links to the menu
    • ability to add multiple custom drop-down boxes to the menu
    • ability to make a category link not clickable (so that it only serves to show/hide a drop-down box)
  • drop-down boxes:
    • ability to enable mega drop-downs and classic drop-downs in the same menu
    • multi-level mega drop-downs
    • editable width of the drop-downs
    • editable number of columns with subcategories in mega drop-down
    • much better control over proportions between sections in mega drop-down (between category blocks and subcategories)
    • ability to enable/disable shadow of the drop-downs
  • mobile menu and category blocks:
    • category blocks with custom content can be displayed in the mobile menu
    • additional category block displayed at the left side of the subcategories in the mega drop-down
    • mobile menu menu can be collapsed/opened on page load

Version 2.4.0 (April 19, 2014)

  • display number of products in category in sidebar menu
  • brands:
    • support for language specific symbols and characters (e.g. letters with diacritical marks) in brand names. These symbols will be properly replaced with letters from latin alphabet to create correct path to a brand image file.
    • select a character (e.g., hyphen) which will be used as a word separator in the names of brand image files and in links to custom brand pages
    • module will check if brand image exists. If file doesn’t exist, there will be no info about brand.
    • optionally, if brand image doesn’t exist, it can be replaced with brand name (simple text). This option is useful for stores which can’t display logos of all brands, e.g., because of copyright restrictions.
    • brand logo can be a link to advanced search results, to quick search results or to custom page.
  • brand sliders:
    • display all brands or only selected subset
    • display multiple brand sliders with different subset of brands in each slider
    • select subset of brands directly in the admin panel or via parameter in the slider shortcode
    • optionally, display in the slider only those brands, that are currently assigned to any products (or to products which are not out of stock)
  • disappearing mini-cart (in old version of Safari for Windows) if products with options are visible in the mini-cart
  • incorrect display of product labels if product slider is inside main menu drop-down

Version 2.3.1 (February 09, 2014)

  • Quick Start Package based on Magento
  • additional color/design settings for header and main menu
  • Main menu drop-down boxes are opened without “fade” effect
  • in Safari browser the custom drop-down block in the main menu disappears if classic style menu enabled

Version 2.3.0 (January 26, 2014)

Summary: better support for touch-screen devices and improved cross-browser compatibility

  • slideshow
    • display multiple custom slideshows on any page with simple block code (shortcode)
    • full width slideshow on home page
    • new effects for transition between slides
    • configure color and position of slideshow navigation elements (pagination and arrows)
    • set automatic scrolling speed
    • set bottom and top margin
  • product sliders
    • configure size of product images in sliders
    • control speed of scrolling animation (different speed applied for automatic scrolling and for scrolling with arrows)
    • display pagination
  • brand slider
    • control speed of scrolling animation (different speed applied for automatic scrolling and for scrolling with arrows)
    • properties of the brand slider can be controlled with parameters in block code
    • display pagination
  • lazy loading in sliders (product sliders, brand slider, thumbnail slider) – if enabled, images outside of viewport will not be loaded before user scrolls to them
  • set automatic scrolling for Related Products and Up-Sell Products sliders
  • additional settings for thumbnail slider on product page (product images gallery)
  • jQuery plugin Flexslider was replaced with Owl Carousel plugin
  • better support for touch-screen devices: sliders behave more like in native apps
  • changes in block code of Featured Products Slider, New Products Slider and Brand Slider
  • slideshow: better support for “smooth height” (if slides do not have the same height, the height of the slideshow will be animated smoothly)
  • decreased font size in large custom icons which display characters as icons (e.g.: -10% )
  • images in home page slideshow and elements of product sliders (e.g. product name) may disappear in Chrome after scrolling outside the viewport and getting back inside the viewport (it was caused by a bug in Flexslider plugin, plugin was removed)
  • arrows in sliders do not work instantly on touch-screen devices (but on second “click”) because of CSS hover styles
  • product images gallery on product page doesn’t work correctly if no product image was selected as “main” image
  • sidebar menu: category ID entered in the “parent” parameter is ignored
  • in Firefox main menu drop-down (wide menu mode) is 1-2 pixels narrower than the menu bar (depends on width of the browser window)

Version 2.2.0 (January 13, 2014)

  • compatibility with Magento If you are not using Magneto, you can ignore this update.

Version 2.1.2 (November 12, 2013)

  • parameter “breakpoints” for product sliders: number of items in a row can be assigned to specific width of the screen. Add any number of breakpoints.
  • enable/disable animation (during web browser window resizing) of the main structural elements of the page layout. Disabled animation improves page layout while resizing web browser viewport.
  • hide “Add to…” links in category view if browser viewport width is below selected value
  • improved main menu display: no flickering while loading page when mobile menu is visible
  • improved hover effect of product grid/list items in category view: buttons don’t overlap other elements if Equal Height is enabled; alternative image immediately disappears on mouse out;
  • if there’s only a single item in the last row of the product grid, the bottom edge of the grid can jump up on item hover
  • incorrect layout of “Orders and Returns” page
  • “Recurring Profile” tab not displayed for products with recurring profile
  • incorrect date range calculation for product labels

Version 2.1.1 (October 23, 2013)

  • if “Top Links With Icons” enabled, error message in Magento 1.5.x and 1.6.x:
    Invalid method Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links::removeLinkBlock

Version 2.1.0 (October 21, 2013)

  • compatibility with Magento See the “Update Guide.pdf” for details.
  • enable/disable icons in the Top Links in header (Account|Wishlist|Log In etc.)
  • boxed style of the product grid in the category view – you will be able to choose between boxed style and simple style (currently enabled)
  • additional font options for the main menu for 1st-level and 2nd-level items
  • ability to select additional character sets for integrated Google Fonts via admin panel
  • Sidebar menu:
    • limit sidebar menu to subcategories of current category
    • limit sidebar menu to the current category with subcategories – option: “Parent of current category (no siblings)”. Other categories from the same level as the current category will be ignored.
    • define depth of the subcategories (independent from the main menu)
    • enable sidebar menu via admin panel, individually for: category view, home page, CMS pages, product pages (choose between left or right sidebar)
    • ability to fallback to the root category if current category doesn’t exist. This option is useful if sidebar menu should be displayed on pages with no current category (on pages other than category view) such as home page and other CMS pages.
    • use variable (which will be replaced with the name of the current category) inside the sidebar menu block title to create dynamic titles of the block
    • alternative block title will be used if current category doesn’t exist.
  • Product grid:
    • improved layout of the product grid in category view
    • more options for displaying elements of the product grid on mouse hover
    • hide long product names in category view
    • align products to the center
    • product labels and buttons are shrinked automatically if many products in a row (also in product sliders)
    • control the number of columns displayed if browser viewport width is below: 640 px, 768 px, 480 px.
  • Product sliders:
    • align products to the center
    • product labels and buttons are shrinked automatically if many products in a row (can be forced with parameter)
  • category filter displayed even if disabled in categories which are not set to “Is Anchor”
  • parameters added to URLs (e.g. by AddThis widget:×2W) break the JavaScript on the page
  • duplicated content on product review pages. Note that since reviews in this theme are displayed on product page (for SEO), review pages are not accessible for customers (there are no links to those pages) so this fix is only for those who use other custom solutions for product reviews.
  • elements of the toolbar (pager, sorter etc.) in category view not aligned properly.
  • IE9, IE10: form fields not visible if browser viewport is below 768px

Version 2.0.2-b (September 09, 2013)

  • pop-up windows of some third-party extensions displayed incorrectly

Version 2.0.2 (September 07, 2013)

  • in webkit browsers drop-down boxes in the main menu (in all styles: wide and classic) are sometimes displayed behind the slideshow on home page.
  • CloudZoom (third-party plugin): unnecessary requests to load non-exsisting resources. Plugin was replaced with version without the bug.

Version 2.0.1 (July 16, 2013)

  • slideshow on home page: height animation is now optional. It can be enabled when slides have different heigh
  • main menu: removed color animation of the caret in top-level items which have drop-down blocks
  • slideshow on home page: part of the next slide (vertical 1px line) is visible on some screen resolutions if “Transition Effect Animation” is set to “Slide”
  • removed lines of code which can prevent from saving the config in admin panel: System > Configuration > Fortis > Theme Design

Version 2.0.0 (July 12, 2013)

  • fully responsive layout (enable/disable) with support for all mobile devices
  • unlimited colors
  • grid system
  • mega menu with custom blocks
  • ability to display custom links in the main menu
  • brand slider
  • flexible and customizable product grid in category view
  • alternative image for category view and product sliders
  • integration with all available Google Fonts, ability to define custom font stack
  • flexible product sliders (New and Featured products)
  • reorganized, optimized and better structured CSS
  • static blocks were reorganized: some were removed, some replaced with other blocks
  • and dozens of other minor design modifications and improvements

Version 1.5 (December 14, 2012)

  • New: import CMS blocks and home page with sample content from live demo

Version 1.4 (October 29, 2012)

  • New: lightbox for product images on product page
  • New: slider for thumbnails of product images on product page
  • New: up to 4 drop-down blocks (static blocks) in the main menu
  • Fixed: issue with link to Wishlist in the header section if the wishlist is disabled
  • Fixed: bullets for unordered lists in product description on product page
  • Added PSD files for social icons and home page banners
  • Minor CSS improvements

Version 1.3.2 (June 18, 2012)

  • CSS improvements
  • New: additional header background
  • New: tooltips for brand logo and social services links

Version 1.3.1 (June 14, 2012)

  • Fixed: Equal Height of Link Columns option doesn’t work properly

Version 1.3.0 (June 08, 2012)

  • New: wide menu: select number of columns (4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 )
  • New: wide menu: enforce equal height of link columns
  • New: wide menu: enforce equal height of the second level links
  • New: 3 or 4 columns of products in category view
  • New: keep aspect ratio of product images in category view
  • New: header background can be changed in Theme Admin (no need to enable light header skin in System > Config > Design)
  • New: additional header and footer backgrounds
  • New: footer background is resizable
  • New: turn on/off automatic scrolling in product slider block
  • Fixed: in some installations “New” label is not displayed
  • Fixed: cookie restriction info unreadable
  • Documentation improvements

Version 1.2.1 (May 10, 2012)

  • Fixed: in light header skins the color of wishlist icon in the top links don’t match the color of the other icons

Version 1.2 (May 09, 2012)

  • Compatibility with Magento 1.5.x and Magento
  • New feature: link color settings in the main menu

Version 1.0.4 (April 13, 2012)

  • New feature: random products in product slider (changed block structure, please refer to the User Guide for more details)
  • Fixed: automatic update of the price of a product with custom options

Version 1.0.3 (April 04, 2012)

  • Fixed: problem with the automatic update of the price of a configurable product

Version 1.0.2 (March 30, 2012)

  • New feature: Menu styles switcher: enable wide or classic drop-down menu

Version 1.0.1 (March 10, 2012)

  • Added 3 new main menu colors and some layout improvements

You can find more details about updates in the download package.

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